Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday workout recap on Thursday, and other random thoughts

I got in a decent session over at Diesel yesterday. I'm cutting down the # of exercises I do and the frequency of actual strength training because of my training for the Kumite. I haven't back squatted nearly enough in recent weeks so I had to dial it back a little bit. I wasn't sure how my body would respond the next day, and I have coconuts to smash and trees to kick.

Squats - 5 x 5 - @185lbs
Weighted dips - 5 x 5 @ 20lbs, 25lbs, 30lbs, 35lbs, 35lbs
Weighted pull-ups - 5 x 5 @ 20lbs (I rotated doing pull-ups, chin-ups, and wide grip pull-ups)
Suspended push-ups - 5 x 10 using gymnast's reverse grip

If I was somehow able to trick you into reading this blog earlier then you'll know my weakest movement is pressing. I'll never be a total bro in this area, but I'll have a solid handle on my bodyweight. Whatever makes ME happy. Later that night I got in my wrist and elbow rehab work with the Flexbar and mini band. I can tell you that is working. I also make it a nightly routine to do 50 band dislocates, and 20 band inlocates. I also stretch my shoulders/pecs using the band at each point during the OH squat. I'll hold it 10 seconds or so starting at the top, then 10 seconds a bit lower to the ground, and then another 10 at the bottom of the movement.

Moving on..

I just came across this video of "The Fittest Man on Earth" over on CBS Sports. Isn't that sort of like Americans proclaiming to be world champions in a sport that only they play? Let's not forget that one of the contests for the Crossfit Games(tm)(c) was the softball throw. He is quite simply the fittest man in the world of Crossfit(tm)(c). That's commendable as he is in amazing shape, but come on. This is example 194387234 of why CF "athletes" rub people the wrong way. You can workout super fast. Good for you. Average at everything, excel at nothing. Don't get me started on Reebok and their involvement. They are already on my shitlist for supporting SOPA and PIPA. I'm pretty sure they're losing sleep over my disdain.

Enjoy the day everyone. Remember, "Do today what others won't so you can achieve what they never will." Train hard, and recognize excuses for what they are.

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