Thursday, September 8, 2011

Working on my hops

I used to be able to jump. Not so much now. Well, I used to be able to do a lot of things that I can't do now, but that doesn't keep me from trying to get back to that point or close. I've really worked on improving my maximal strength and accelerative strength in my lower body. It's slow going, but I'm getting closer to where I want to be.

Last week I was finally able to consistently hit 45" on the box jump. I know that isn't high compared to others you've most likely seen, but again this is only a step towards my end goal. I've seen some pretty funny rigged box jump setups on youtube. Here is mine:

No that mat behind the box isn't to stop me from falling. It's to help cushion my knees jumping down since I'm training in minimalist shoes. My knees are currently taking the brunt of the stress during this transition. Here's the vid of me completing the jump. I suggest turning your speakers way down since my buddy decides to go all raging hormonal cheerleader on me:

GOOOOOOOOOOOOO JUMPING YAY!!!! I'm going to shoot for 50" next week, but I'm going to have to setup shop outside or somewhere with higher ceilings. Yesterday I was able to complete the same exercise, but with a 45" plate underneath the mat. Sound precarious? It is, but I just have to remain focused and everything is fine. If my mind isn't right then I step away from the box and reset. I figure that's way better than falling and hurting myself.


  1. Just came across your blog. Definitely an interesting read. I'm curious about your training her for box jumps. You've labeled in as plyo, but are you doing it repeatedly, or is this more of an outcome measure? I'm not saying this to criticize, just genuinely curious.


  2. Hey, Brandon

    Thanks for the compliment. When you say "training her for box jumps" who are you referring to? Was that a type-o? Sorry. It's Friday and my brain is elsewhere.

    Yes I do the jump repeatedly. I do not hop down then immediately explode back up. I get down off the box and then re-position myself for this particular exercise. I'll usually do 5 sets of 10 jumps, and jump rope or something else between sets.

    If I misunderstood your question then I apologize. Just clarify and I'll do my best to answer! Thanks for visiting the site.
