6 weeks ago I was finally able to begin training again. I can't mess with kettlebells or anything overly dynamic (you know, like sickening kipping pull ups), but I am able to strength train. So, after writing and re-writing a number of rehab programs for myself I came across Dan John's 40 Day Program. Now, as written the workout is just brutal on your body. 2x5 every day just breaks you down. Fortunately I happen to peruse IGX and came across further explanation:
"could write a 600 page rant on that question. Here is the thing: percents don't work, excel spreadsheets don't work, planned lifting doesn't work. I know, I know, someone is going to post how they followed x or y for six months. I have tried them all. So, with the 40 day, you toss out load. I usually suggest you start out with like your third to last warm up on the Bench Press for 2 x 5. So, that might be 205 or 225 for a 405 bencher. And, that is easy!
You do that this week twice and next week you toss on some more weight the first time you do 2 x 5. It goes up just as light, just as easy. By definition, you are stronger. You do that with all the variations and movements, here is the note I sent one of my athletes:
Farmer Walk or Suitcase Walk (FW: Bell in each had; SW: Bell in one hand, then switch) Vary the distance EVERY time, and probably the load…if you can.
Two sets of Five: it should be easy and be like your second or third warm up lift in a typical workout. The idea, the “secret,” is to get THIS workout to feel easier and easier!
Five-Three-Two: Five reps with your 2 x 5 weight, add weight for three, then a solid double. Make the Double!!!Does it seem so super simple that you won't even bother trying it? Well, let me first share with you my routine and then my progress.
Six Singles: I don’t care how you do this, but add weight each set. No misses!
One set of ten: the day after six singles, very light load for ten easy “tonic” reps.
60 percent of the workouts are 2 sets of 5, one in ten is Six Singles (followed by 1 x 10) and 20 percent (2 of 10) are 5-3-2.
I made it that simple, because people just can't get their damn heads around the idea that you can get really strong by doing the movements. Here is the thing: if you train the 40 day workout, five days a week, that is eight weeks. Now, MOST people have NEVER done a program for 8 weeks, so the success might simply be...
you do what you say you need to do.
I have had dozens of emails where the person starts easy strength and a week later gets hurt doing some BS thing they read in a blog or decides to Olympic lift, Highland Game, Crossfit, and Zumba...
The reason it is so easy to win, in my opinion, in sports is simply focusing on the task and lifting to support it. I can't believe when I hear football teams are doing aerobic dance, long distance runs, swimming...you name it...
Have the courage to do something for eight weeks. If it is bullshit...and it might be!...then move on. Most trainees have never done the same thing for two workouts. It is something I learned from Dick Notmeyer: we snatched and clean and jerked three days a week and Jerked off the rack and front squatted two days a week for TWO straight YEARS. Then, he let me bench and squat and my numbers were off the charts. This is when I did my very first deadlift and I pulled 555 because the gym record was 550. I don't recommend this, but damn it, it works...
Pull up
KB Swings
Hanging leg raise
Week 1
M: 2x5
T: 2x5
W: 2x5
T: 2x5
F: 5-3-2
Week 2
M: 2x5
T: 2x5
W: 2x5
T: 5-3-2
F: 6x1
Week 3
M: 2x5
T: 2x5
W: 5-3-2
T: 6x1
F: 1x10
Week 4
M: 2x5
T: 2x5
W: 2x5
T: 2x5
F: 5-3-2
Week 5
M: 2x5
T: 2x5
W: 2x5
T: 5-3-2
F: 6x1
Week 6
M: 2x5
T: 2x5
W: 5-3-2
T: 6x1
F: 1x10
Week 7
M: 2x5
T: 2x5
W: 2x5
T: 2x5
F: 5-3-2
Week 8
M: 2x5
T: 2x5
W: 2x5
T: 5-3-2
F: 6x1
Got that? I'm currently on Wednesday of week 7. Has this worked for me? You bet your sweet candy asses it has. I've hit new PRs on all lifts (well, bench and deads) and I can rip off pull-ups like I could never do before. I'm able to pull 375lbs raw (remember I'm tall and lean!), am benching over 200lbs finally (no right pec, haven't tested PR), and can do 10 strict pull-ups without pause. Pre-injury I could do 4 on a good day.
I haven't deadlifted ALL year and I was able to get 375lbs after 6 weeks. That's an accomplishment to me. I'm hoping to join the 405lb club by the end of next week. That may be pushing it, but I'm going to shoot for it.
My elbow is holding up relatively well. There is minimal discomfort after I'm done. I've started working with the Thera-Band Flexbar, which I highly recommend. Here is a study backing up Thera-Band's claims. Oh, my elbow can also do the same. Eccentric exercise works!